客室と料金 (Rooms & Rates) |
部屋タイプ/Room type | 平日/休前日/休日 | |||||
★シングル/Single |
★ツイン/Twin |
★トリプル/Triple(※1) |
★ダブル/Double |
★カップル/Couple(※2) |
注意:上記は全日の価格ですが一部 ゴールデンウィーク、シルバーウィーク期間、お盆、年末年始につきましては別途料金が発生しますので施設までお問い合わせください。
(※1)Triple room has two single beds plus a portable extra bed in it.
(※2)Couple type plan uses a single bed(120cm×195cm) which can be used by two persons.
【About a child】
・In case of sleeping with your child beside you, there is no charge of child in a bed. However, the child should be under elementary school student.
・A child per an adult ( two children max per two adults ) is permitted in this plan. There are no facilities for the children.
・There are limited rooms, which are available for this plan. So,please refer to front desk.
■シングルルーム/Single room (a room with one single bed)
スタンダードな客室です。 くつろぎのスペース、落ち着いた色調、自然な採光で、旅の疲れを癒します。
■ツインルーム/Twin beds room (a room with two single beds)
ホテルのロケーション (Location) |
施設案内 (Facilities) |